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I will say the artwork is alright and everything, but this has some problems. There could be some color in this other than black and white. You could actually animate more rather than have a slideshow of different pictures. The audio quality is pretty bad. I recommend Audacity so you can take out the background noise and make your lines sound alot better. I also recommend Swivel so your animation is not on loop. Both programs are free so it should be no problem to get. I hope some of this advice will help you out in the future. Good luck!

LuisPichu232 responds:

yeah thanks shaeguy

Pretty funny as usual. And congratulations on getting the #1 daily feature! :)

TheGeorgeChannel responds:

Thankyou, ShaeGuy! :)

That was pretty hilarious. Love it! xD

HipnikDragomir responds:

Thank yeh!

My only nitpick is that it could've been slowed down some. Besides that, the animation and artwork was pretty great! Love the line work in this. Keep it up! :)

Neark responds:

Thanks for the advice, I have changed the main file to a video at half speed. Thank you also for the complement it means a lot to me. Thank You.

The animation and artwork is pretty decent and everything. However, the voice acting really needs work here. I recommend Audacity so that you can take out the background noise and amplify the lines to make it sound better. It's free so it should be no problem to get.

CamoSenpai responds:

Yeah I do use audacity but I didn't know how to use it that well

The animation and artwork is decent, but the audio could really use some work. I recommend Audacity so you can make the voice acting sound better. It's free so it should be no problem to get.

hugofertre responds:

im working on it because it isn´t the complete anomation

This was pretty good for your 1st attempt. Although I believe there should be more animation put into the character's movement. But I can see that effort was put into this and that is what I like to view! Keep up the practice!

ChrisLeRoy responds:

Thanks for your feedback. I have until this animation been focusing primarily on the movement of the mouth but in this animation, I tried to put alot more facial expressions such as jaw movements, eye brows etc but you are right I need to invest more into eye expressions and body movement as well. Appreciate the feedback....back to more practice.

Looks pretty good! Like it!

PsychoticRat responds:

Thanks man!

Everything looks pretty great in general despite it being unfinished. Love the art style and the voice acting. But there is something called the "Dumping Grounds". It's the button next to your message button where anyone can post tests, unfinished projects, etc at. And with it, you can show off anything to your friends, family, and random users on here. So please do that instead.

Wondermeow responds:

Cheers dude ^^

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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