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The linework was obviously the best part of this submission. It's just very anime and detailed lol. But I would've put in sound effects or something just to make this more engaging. Either way, keep up the good work!

SkyHawkins responds:

Thank you for the feedback! I’ll definitely keep sound effects in mind for next time

A lot of these different stop-motion clips were very creative lol. My favorite was with the glass cups and the red liquid. You got some great talent, and I'd love to see more of it! :)

duffosaur responds:

thanks props will do another one at some point

Was all of that 3D?! I legit thought the background was live-action and only the doughnut was CGI. Damn you got some great attention to detail lol! But yeah, that tourettes guy sound byte was hilarious to add. Keep up the good work! :)

Anisomniac responds:

Yes, it's all 3D CGI. I learned how to do it within a couple days from Blender Guru's tutorial series:


He's really good with Blender tutorials! Also I'm glad that you like this, I usually don't have much time to make stuff like this, but now that it's summer I think I can do more. I mainly do 2D animation and art. I was kinda edgy when I first started out, though. (-_-')

I do like the animation and linework here. It seems smooth and detailed, but it also feels unfinished. If this is unfinished, I wouldn't recommend posting it under judgement. Wait until everything is polished and good. Also audio of any kind would really help this out. You got some talent here, it just needs to be improved on. Good luck!

ZykicoBeast responds:

It's finished!! Thanks for the feedback.

The animation is actually decent here, but I'd recommend you get a better animation program like Flash 8. It'd help smooth the outlines so it doesn't look so rushed. Speaking of which, you should have mouth movements here. It doesn't have to be perfectly lip synced, the mouths just need to move up and down. And lastly you should make legit backgrounds. It doesn't have to be amazing either, but it'd be better than having single colored backgrounds. You got some talent here, it just needs to be improved on. Good luck!

littleMAHER1 responds:

I will say that I animated this on a phone which explains why it looks rushed
I am looking for a proper animation program now that I got a computer
the background was a choice because in the orignal video there is not really a background but I will keep that in mind
The mouth movement I am on the fence on tho but I will think about it
thanks for you're constructive criticism I will keep all of this in mind!

I can tell you're new so I'll give you some credit. You seem to have some skill, but I'd recommend a better animation program to use. There were so many animation errors in this that I don't even really need to explain as it's pretty obvious when you watch this. The best I can say for now is keep on practicing and improving. You got some potential that is waiting to burst out and amaze everyone here. Good luck!

StickSchoolStudios responds:

thanks, I use FlipaClip so sometimes it glitches. Most recent episodes should be better

I can see a lot of effort was put into this. I think my favorite thing was the 3D spaceship you were using. I love it when 3D can mix well with 2D content lol. Also some of the character designs were pretty creative, particularly the alien designs. Hope to see this continue! :)

HarisTheGodBear responds:

Thank you kindly good sir

Got plenty of talent mate! Especially love your "Pepe le Pew" accent in your 1st voice over. Hope you get plenty of work in the near future. :)

Stanpai responds:

Thank you!

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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