I will say I really don't recommend submitting unfinished/test animations under judgement. They usually tend to get low ratings at best. With that said, this does look really promising. Hope to see it again fully completed.
I will say I really don't recommend submitting unfinished/test animations under judgement. They usually tend to get low ratings at best. With that said, this does look really promising. Hope to see it again fully completed.
i was in colaboration with someone, i got mad on that person,i stoped working and this is the result, im moving on other more important animations.
Another great claymation. It honestly looks like something that was made this year rather than 2019. I will say if you do make a 3rd one, I would add in some background music. If there is one nitpick I've had with your content is that it's mostly silence in the background. Aside from that, keep up the great work.
I'll keep that in mind
Simple, Sweet, and to the point. The animation is what really makes it work. Love it. :)
Thank you :)
Can't decide if this is either really funny or really dark and sad. Like are they even real or is the guy just hallucinating? A few different questions I wouldn't care to get the answer to because this was pretty great. Keep up the good work! :)
thank you so much! my friends and i will keep posting :)
It was my birthday on the 18th. Can I have some of that cake? (assuming any survive the blast lol)
lol sadly none left man.
This being almost 20 minutes is crazy. I really do admire the amount of dedication that went into this, especially the part where it actually took place outside. Some of that gore was surprisingly nasty, and some of that meta humor like the woman "sounding like a dude" is hilarious. I do wonder if you're a fan of Klay World by chance. Either way, this was a blast. :)
Yes I've seen klayworld
Basically, if the 1st men in black movie were short. lol
Without the ripping off of flesh and making a skin suit.
What can I honestly say except pure perfection. It feels like a world that could've fit right into Gumball or something. I would definitely love to see more of this on here. Keep up the amazing work! :)
Thanks I'm glad you're into it.
I think you could've had more going on in the animation rather than a jellyfish(?) swimming around in a tank. With that said, I do like the pixel animation in this, and the music is decent too. Sounds like something you'd hear in an underwater level in a game. :)
Thanks for the feedback, the "jellyfish" in the background was a character made up a long time ago. He's a goober named "Mezz"
Especially with how rushed it was I plan on making future projects with higher-effort since this was more of just a quick-showcase for an old song and Krita.
I think something went wrong here because no video is coming up.
EDIT: Nevermind it's working. lol
Idk but here's a link. This is what it was it was a three little pigs animation. https://youtu.be/xA66g9SprGA?si=jkRQY67sJRqBfKmS
Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!
Age 29, Male
United States
Joined on 6/13/14