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I really do love how you put legos and clay together in a stop motion video. I surprisingly don't see that many people do it. Also thanks for sharing that source, it was pretty hilarious lol. Keep up the good work! :)

stageactstudios responds:

thank you, I enjoy making this stuff. I mostly do it on youtube. newgrounds is more of a side thing for me. I combine both Lego and clay together because well... Lego tends to be expensive and clay tends to have more options when it comes to the location of each video.

It got a chuckle out of me, so I'll give you that lol. Love that twist you did! Though I strongly recommend you putting in audio of any kind. It'd make your submission more engaging. Either way, keep up the good work!

NNpp responds:

Thank you very much, i will consider the audio tip. :)

Looking pretty good so far. Love the character designs and the humor. Keep up the good work! :)

grace-swims7 responds:

Thank you so much! It’s a small taste of what I wanna offer in the show!

My issue with it is the lack of audio. Why you didn't put music in like you did on twitter I don't understand. If it was copyrighted, you could've given credit at least. It would've really make your submission stand out more. Aside from that, I really do like the art here especially the background. It looks hand drawn, and if it was I'm really impressed. You got some art skills, and I bet you'd rock in the art section of Newgrounds. Keep up the good work!

Junioridad responds:

fangs for the review. the song wasnt copyrighted, the twitter version was edited on premiere, but in no soo good quality. but im going take your advice and reupload the animation with music


Pretty funny and creative. Love the scenes you set up! :)

Maxfilm responds:

that scenes with bird was on plate with dirt :-)
it rhymes :-D

If you did the music, it was really amazing. You have a great voice and real music talent! Probably my favorite thing about this submission. The animation is also pretty good and it helps support the song. Keep up the amazing work! :)

koit responds:

Thanks Shae - yeah it's my song, my animation :)

Pretty great as always. Why I haven't followed you yet I don't know lol. But I'm glad I am now! :)

bakertoons responds:

Thanks for following! :)

Poor jason. At least the dinner will be good tonight. lol

CyanideSkies responds:

Thanks for the comment lol! Your feedback was greatly appreciated.

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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