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You made these lyrics? That's pretty neat. Good to see you still holding up. Keep up the good work! :)

HarveySeasalt responds:

Thx man

You made this in 5 days? That's really impressive. It'd probably take me atleast 2 weeks to make this given my schedule. Really great animation, especially on the cat. Keep up the great work! :)

rouge2t7 responds:

Yeah lol. I've been animating it non-stop, even in between work haha. I'mma treat myself to some gaming! Thanks a lot though!

Was that a trick reference at the end? lol
But yeah, got a chuckle out of me. Keep up the good work! :)

NotKaif responds:

thanks! and yeah. its my first animation ive posted on ng!

It's pretty good for a college project, though if you wish to turn this into a legit series there are improvements that need to be made. However I know you'll figure stuff out and this will be amazing. Keep up the good work!

kleptocosm responds:

Thank you! I'm flattered you got the impression this is a college project, I actually made this junior year of high school lol.

Really made me laugh lol. It was like a mixture of JoeCartoon and Sr. Pelo. Didn't think a combination like that would work really well. Keep up the great work! :)

Kislych responds:

Thank you, we are glad that you liked it, the second animation is already in development!

You ever watch JoeCartoon? If not I recommend it, because this was giving me major vibes from the guy. Anyhow, A really great piece of animation and music. Not bad! :)

blombluss responds:

Jeez, I haven't heard the name 'JoeCartoon' in aaaaaaaaages! :D I really liked his stuff, and now I need to reacquaint myself with his work! And thanks very much - you're a proper gent! *thumbs up*

Idk what was happening, but I bet David Firth would know lol. But yeah, I really did love the trippy visuals. It seemed really creative. Keep up the good work! :)

martyn1185 responds:

thanks hehe

The first scene was giving me weird Astro Boy vibes with the cloud flying. And then he crashed down making it feel like a parody lol. Pretty good submission, and congrats to everyone involved. :)

Mabelma responds:

Definitely a parody sort of thing. Thanks for your feedback. Happy you enjoyed it.

My only nitpick is the very end, like what happened? Did they just have a shootout off screen and we're seeing one of them on the ground? Either way, really great stop-motion! Especially love how some scenes were fast paced to give a dramatic effect. Very nice, and I hope to see more. Keep up the good work! :)

AlexanderTheOrdinary responds:

This was initially made as a colab piece and the end bit i for the colab director to greenscreen his character in.

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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