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This was pretty well made. Love the style of everything here. I can see effort was put into this. Not Bad! But now you can't tell people to not leave a comment/review on your submission. We have the given right to do as we please. Whether or not the review is good, you should be grateful to have somebody say anything about your animations. I know I would. With this being said, this was a good video. Keep it up!

ShutUpFlower responds:

thank you

anyways I didn't forced anyone to leave a comment. I just was asking if you would love to.

if you don't care then don't ......

Forget the red giant engulfing the Earth, this is how our planet will really be gone. lol

Uranium92 responds:


That was hilarious and amazing! Love the animation, artwork, voice acting, etc. Keep making more man! :)

WaldFlieger responds:

Thanks a lot! :D

Really well made! Love the sprite animation, and the line-work. And love the music too. Great job! Keep it up! :)

ShadowKiller111 responds:

hey thx dude! I really appreciate it! :D

Let me point out a few nit-picks I have with this. The scenes of characters walking from place to place could have been faster and it could've save like 10 seconds each. Another thing is that you really need some voice actors especially for the female characters. With that being said, everything else is pretty much decent. I love the South Park style animation and artwork. And your voice acting itself was pretty legit. For the most part, I enjoyed this! It's nothing amazing, but it is worth a view. :)

Kelsland responds:

Thanks man im still tryna get better with my pacing

It isn't a good idea to submit tests under judgement. Tests, walk cycles, etc usually gets a really low score if not blamed. If you want to put tests on here, there is something called the "Dumping Grounds". It's the button next to your message button where anyone can post tests at. And with it, you can show off anything to your friends, family, and random users on here. So please do that instead.

TerminatedAccount responds:

Sorry about that. Thanks for the advice.

I really love the part where the wolf was rubbing his belly after he ate the boy's father! XD

But yeah, this was really well made. The animation and artwork was really great and everything. And I especially love the mix with the live-action and animation. Normally live-action stuff alone would pretty much be blamed. But when it's used for animations and games, then they can be passed off. And this was no exception! Although the audio quality isn't really up to par, but that is really the only nitpick I got with this. I can see alot of effort was put into this. I hope you continue to make more like these in the future. Nice job man! :)

MichaelFlowers responds:

Thanks brother!!! I really appreciate the feedback .

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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