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That was disturbing, but hilarious. The artwork was really detailed and amazing. The animation isn't really up to par, but that's what made it even more funny seeing how it's suppose to be like that. Not bad mate! lol

callyper responds:

thank you!

Pretty neat and random. Not bad for your 1st animation with audio in it! The animation and art work is pretty legit as well. Keep it up man! :)

joshboy101 responds:

thank you :3

For a CGI film on Newgrounds, this was really well made! The 3D models look pretty interesting, and I love the color scheme too. I can see alot of effort was put into this. Keep it up! :)

mascothstudios3d responds:

Thanks for your review. It took me 2 months to make.

Really amazing animation. Pretty great for an old animated short. :)

airman4 responds:

Thanks very much !Yeah that was old , i made that as a joke

Yup, that is what happens when you don't go to bed. xD

jerbjpg responds:

lol that's right! Sleep it off!

The animation was really amazing. Love the artwork as well. You're gonna do great in the future if you keep it up like this. :)

Ferrohound responds:

I'll try!
Tough for now with the amount of classwork right now but hopefully that'll change soon, thanks man!

Enjoyable as always lol. But I do need to ask, do you have Audacity? If not, I recommend you get it. It can help remove the background noise whenever you record yourself. It's free so it should be no problem to get.

AnnoyingHeroDeath responds:

I'm thinking about getting it. Thanks for the mentioning. :)

Pretty legit. You're good at drawing!

Color-it-in responds:

Thank you kind sir

It isn't a good idea to submit videos like this under judgement. Tests, walk cycles, etc usually gets a really low score if not blamed. If you want to put green-screen effects on here, there is something called the "Dumping Grounds". It's the button next to your message button where anyone can post tests at. And with it, you can show off anything to your friends, family, and random users on here. So please do that instead.

Rennis5 responds:

I did not know about dumping grounds, that is quite helpful, thank you :)

With that kind of animation, you have plenty of potential to improve in the future! And I'm glad to know you will try everything you got to animate certain things. Now that is true determination! Can't wait to see what kind of projects you will make in some time. :)

AnimationNewborn responds:

Thanks I appreciate the kind words

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

Age 28, Male


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