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Everything about this was a delight. I specially loved the color scheme in this. It has a sort of rough texture that makes the whole thing feel more down to earth. And the overall art felt like something out of a story book. And a special praise for the voice actors. They sounded believable in this. Hope this makes it to front page. Keep up the amazing work! :)

cecameron responds:

Thank you!

Is meatcanyon your inspiration? Because I was getting vibes from this (no pun intended lol). But yeah, pretty hilarious lol. Keep up the great work! :)

minscay responds:

Oh for sure, along with many other animators such as oney & psychicpebbles. I appreciate the support!

It's ok for what it is, though I do got some issues with it. I think my biggest problem is that it could be pretty silent at points when it shouldn't be. There were times where there was no sound effects when something happened. Like at around 2:51 when someone busted through the door, there was no sound. And that's just one example. Make sure there is always some kind of audio throughout the video. Speaking of audio, some of the voice acting could've been amplified a bit. If you don't know about Audacity, I strongly recommend it. It can help out with that issue. And lastly this is just my opinion, but the background art could be better. Especially with the outside scenes. A little more detail wouldn't hurt. The animation itself is alright and it's pretty serviceable. You got some talent obviously, it just needs to improve a bit. I wish you the best of luck!

SkittleWaffle responds:

Thank you for your feedback! Next time I will keep these points in mind.

This is no joke the best flipaclip animation I have ever seen. Most of them tend to be mediocre at best on here, but this was a delight to watch. Animation was smooth, the art and certain designs seem very creative and fun, and it could be pretty hilarious. I love how the aliens were giving me major rabbid vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if you took inspiration off them. I don't even want to imagine how long this must have taken to make, but it was sure as hell worth it. Hope you make it on front page! An amazing job! :)

itsscottfromNPstudio responds:

thank you for watching lame space.

Right now it's not much, but this honestly just has so much potential I have to follow you. You got some basic but cute character designs, and the humor is awkward in a good way. Hope to see this become a legit series. ;)

IsJustLeo responds:

I do plan to make it into a legit series and I'm glad you think it has much potential!

A very simple but effective piece of work. Loved the animation and character design. This felt like a short that you'd see on Nicktoons or something. Keep up the good work! :)

PACvideos responds:

Thank you dude! That's so nice!

I can't speak for everyone here, but this was hitting nostalgia territory for me lol. This was such a delight. And I'm a real sucker for animations that cross 2D and 3D together. Also yeah those 3D backgrounds were pretty cute and creative. My only nitpick is that sometimes a scene can drag for too long when it probably could've been cut. While some people may find that boring, I found it wholesome. The point is that I loved this submission. Keep up the great work! :)

NahManacles responds:

Wow, thank you! And yeah, you're probably right about some scenes being too long, I haven't really made a big animation like this before so I'm still figuring out pacing and stuff.

Ok that was actually kinda funny lol. It's nothing amazing, but it did put a smile on my face. Just keep on practicing and making your small projects. One day you could be making some big hilarious stuff. Good luck! :)

Danimations7 responds:

Thank you! I know, It's just a few hours of work :)

My only "criticism" is that there wasn't much animation in this, but obviously it was a school project so I can't be too hard on it. Though my legit nitpick is maybe have some background music going on. Having music alone can engage your audience some. But yeah, I love everything else. Love your art and character designs. Perfects tools to make some great submissions. Keep up the good work! :)

meichel responds:

Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback! :) Will consider BGM in the future but iunno how I wanna go about it just yet, and I def wanna put more time into the actual animation of future works. ThAnk you again, dog bless

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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