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My favorite thing is the use of colors for the backgrounds. You clearly know a lot about color schemes to set the mood for different scenes lol. Though the animation can feel pretty stiff at points, so I recommend more movements for PJ. But yeah I do love seeing original content trying to make it into the light. Hope PJ gets more attention! xD

N8Productions responds:

Thanks man, yeah I’ve been working on more in depth backgrounds lately and trying to convey a mysterious tone. Also I definitely understand about the stiffness, PJs design is so simple that Strangely it’s hard to move him in certain ways, but I’m still figuring out new forms of motion for him that will be seen in his upcoming shorts! Thanks for watching and for the advice, more shorts are on the way! -Nate

It's pretty good. While I think the animation could've been smoother, I can tell a lot of work was put into this. Not bad for a stickman pivot animation. Keep up the good work!

stageactstudios responds:

i made it in sticknodes. thanks

Not much to say except perfection! Bet your arms were sore after moving around the clay figures for so long lol. Hope to see this on front page. Keep up the amazing work! :)

PencilKiller responds:

Ahh that would be a dream come true..

My biggest issue is that the audio was really quiet. If you don't have Audacity, it can help amplify the voice acting here. Everything to do with the animation and art was passable. The writing was awkward in a very good humorous way. Like I was not expecting that ending. Pretty damn gross lmao! But yeah, keep up the good work.

CommunalMilk responds:

Thanks for the feedback man, I appreciate it, the sound seems a normal level to me but I can always change that if that’s a common problem people are having with it. Thanks for letting me know 😁

I recommend you put in some sound effects for that gatling gun. It'd make the submission a bit more engaging.

Irish-John101 responds:

Dumb question: would a re-upload with sound be allowed? Or would they consider that spam/reposting or otherwise frown upon that?

I adore it when animation and live action mashes together so well. Giving me major Roger Rabbit vibes lol. But yeah, it was pretty hilarious and I love your raccoon character design. I'm sure even John R. Black would've loved your animation here lmao. Keep up the amazing work! :)

Raccatoons responds:

Thank you Shae I super appreciate your feedback! Yeah I love mixing live action and animation! I did another one like this called "The Maskless Raccoon" a few months ago, you might wanna check that out as well if you liked this! That one's even more like Who Framed Roger Rabbit haha. Glad you liked!

I can tell you're new in general, so I'll give you some advice. Obviously you need to put in alot more animation to your submissions. This felt more like a slideshow than anything else. Also you definitely need other voice actors to help you out. Luckily Newgrounds is full of them, so all you got to do is ask. I recognize potential when I see it, so just keep on practicing and you'll be making great toons in the future. Good luck!

LeoShortNose responds:

Hey! Ummmm, I've been Making Animations since 2019 (Not on Newgrounds), and I Find Animating at 24 FPS Difficult, I also understand that I Need more Voice Actors rather then Just Myself, However I Right ALL of my Scripts in the Notes App

Also Thanks for the Encouragement, I Don't get a Lot of That stuff, especially since on Literally Every Video of Mine (YouTube) I get a Dislike from my Brother

Thanks for Your Feedback!

Felt like something I'd see on Adult Swim. Very weird and creative art style, complete with very odd but funny humor. Made me laugh a few times lol. Keep up the good work! :)

CharlieEmerson responds:

Appreciate the kind words! Thank you! :)

Looks pretty neat! Though I'd recommend putting this in the art portal (assuming if you can with blender). But still, nice piece of art!

raptorbricks responds:


I would've prefered to put this in the Art Portal, though there isn't really a good way to properly showcase 3D stuff there without sacraficing quality (GIF being the only animated option). I have posted a still version to the Art Portal, but that unfortunatly doesn't show it off as well as a video does.

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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