Pretty good! The animation was good, especially the facial expressions lmao. The faces can be so trippy from the way they moved and stuff. The character designs are cut-I mean terrifying xD. And the voice acting was pretty legit. Keep up the work!
Pretty good! The animation was good, especially the facial expressions lmao. The faces can be so trippy from the way they moved and stuff. The character designs are cut-I mean terrifying xD. And the voice acting was pretty legit. Keep up the work!
Thanks so much! It's nice to know that I can still voice act! I've been doing so much behind the scenes work and writing lately that I haven't had a chance to do any voice work, so it was good to break it out again! But yeah, I won't let you down! Working on bigger, better things!
I'll give you the credit that this was pretty cool and freaky. Had no idea what to say about all of that. xD
Thanks a bunch man. I'm still getting back into this animating stuff but still thank you for the nice words! :)
That was weird and freaky. But I like it. lol
wierd and freaky stuff are really likeable
Very simple, basic, but pretty good. Even though there isn't much going on, I do love the artwork and color scheme. And the music alone is worth watching this video for. Not bad!
Yep, that's what happens when you define nature by forcing a pokeball open lmfao. But yeah, pretty funny! :)
TY very much, we are glad you liked it!
That was pretty good. The animation and artwork is all basic but great, and the voice acting is amazing. The goat doctor reminds me of Rick from Rick & Morty. This was pretty hilarious. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the feedback!
Side note: The goat was based off a former (female) coworker. She was a joy.
I wont lie, this was really amazing for a simple animation test. Normally I would say this belongs on the Dumping Grounds rather than submitting it under judgement, but this alone is enough for a 5/5 rating. I adore everything about it. The animation, the artwork, the color scheme, the music, and just about everything is spot on! If people are gonna submit animation tests under judgement, it better be something worth remembering. And this piece is definitely worth remembering! I can't even imagine how well your future projects will be. Keep up the amazing work! :)
Thanks! That's really motivating!
Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!
Age 29, Male
United States
Joined on 6/13/14