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Pretty impressive for your 1st animation! The animation itself is pretty good as far as comedic timing goes. While the art and line work is not amazing (Granted it is your 1st animation, so I'll give you that), it also makes everything look cute and adorable. I also love that Mario bit right at the end! Gave me a bit of nostalgia. Bottom line is that you got potential and talent to make great content! If it's this decent now, just imagine what you could make in the future. All I can say is good luck and try hard! Have fun on newgrounds! :)

Snackers responds:

Thank you! I'm working an another one currently, and so far it's looking to be much better. You're support is really appreciated man, thanks.

While this submission is not that bad or anything, it's really not that enjoyable either. The art and line work can really use a lot more improvement in my opinion. Maybe having outlines in the backgrounds for example. I mean, this wouldn't be a big issue if the animation was at least smooth and looking good. But even the animation is pretty stiff for the most part. Granted there is lip-syncing (which is not bad by the way), and some movements in the characters. But still, there should be a lot more movement than that. Especially in the song sequence, it was basically just a slideshow. Any submission under judgement should never be a slideshow. Not to mention the voice acting half the time was too quiet. Learn to amplify the voices so they are loud and clear. Don't take it the wrong way, I mean you do have some talent here that has potential. You just need to improve on the overall quality of your work because it is really lacking in certain parts. I hope you take my advice, and try to get better. Good luck!

BonfireCow responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I'm still learning, and if you've seen the first episode, there's a massive improvement. I know this one has a lot of flaws, but granted I had a limited deadline, there wasn't much I could do. I'll take your advice about sounds and movements, thanks.

While it's really nothing special, it is pretty entertaining at least. While I'm not much of a fan for the art and line work, the animation itself makes up for it. Obviously, the animation here is the main focus and not the art itself. Not to mention some of the scenes you chose to animate (which are some great choices by the way lol). It's a cute, charming little piece of work that has talent and effort put into, and I really appreciate that!

By the way, about the "please be gentle..." comment, everyone has the right to judge submissions like yours as they please. There are going to be some folks that will be rather harsh towards you and your animations, and you need to learn to embrace what you get. Not to mention, it doesn't help that you sort of jinxed yourself by saying that. Just be careful on what you say next time.

With all of this said, I do wish you the best of luck on your animations. See you later.

Jmainia responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I am trying to improve my artwork bit by bit!

I really do like the animation here! Not to mention the art and line work on the samurai and his weapon. You obviously have some really good talent here. However, something this short and non-engaging should've been on your dumping grounds instead of being submitted under judgement. Also, I strongly recommend Swivel so the animation is not on loop. It's a free newgrounds program, so it should be no problem to get. Again, you got plenty of potential here. It just needs to be explored more. So with that said, I hope you get better in the future. Good luck!

RMAnimations responds:

Thanks that means a lot! I did use swivel, and the character design of this guy was so complex that it took like 2 weeks to make this. Next time i should focus on length and not have the character so detailed.

While the animation can be a little bit choppy at certain points, I do appreciate everything else. I'm sure some folks would not like slow paced animations like this one, but I do. Nothing like a chuckle to get your morning started! The color scheme is pretty good to look at, and so is the art and line work here. Again, you just need to bring up the frame rate a bit so that the characters can move a lot smoother than in the submission here. I wish you the best of luck. Keep up the good work!

MartysAnimatio responds:

Thank you :-) I appreciate your comment .

Got a lot of "World of Warcraft" feels from this lol. Especially love the music and sound effects that came from WoW. Besides that, the quality for this submission was pretty good. While I'm not usually a fan of tween animation, I really had no problems with it here. The overall art style is pretty simple at best in my opinion, but that is what I love about work like this. Sometimes you have to appreciate the little things. Not to mention the plot for this video was hilarious, especially at the ending when he got the gloves. The color scheme was also pretty good. It somehow makes the scenery atmospheric or something lol. This submission overall was really enjoyable to me, and I hope you keep up the hard work! Good luck! :)

Qstick responds:

Thank you for such a great review. It gives me a strong desire to continue the story C:

I'm not even sure what to say here. This is just too damn weird and scary lmao. But that is what I love about it! I love the overall visuals, which are very stylistic in my opinion. The animation really adds to the creepy factor, especially with the dog. I'll be seeing that in my nightmares lol. And the music is pretty ok at best. I'm not really a fan of it to be honest, but the video itself really makes it stand out. Overall, I really like this submission. It obviously has work put into it, and that is what I love seeing. Keep up the great work! :)

Sumerias1 responds:

Heh! It's definitely one of my weirder ones. As for the music, death folk is a hard sell to just about anyone and on top of that there are some big problems with the drums, so I totally understand. I'll keep trying to get better at this crap. Thanks for commenting!

Pretty simple and basic. That is what I love about submissions like this! Sometimes you have to appreciate the little things lol. But yeah, the animation is pretty fluid and smooth (which I really appreciate), the background art is pretty stylistic in my opinion, and the little plot here is pretty funny. I love my mountain dew lol! The only thing holding it back is the lack of audio. Granted I know you'll put it in soon, but still. When you do put it in, I'll be giving you 1 more star lol. Overall, this was a good submission. Keep up the good work! :)

KashAnimation responds:

wow thanks a lot ! c:

This was actually pretty funny I'm not gonna lie lol. For starters, I do appreciate the pace of the submission. If you're going to do comedy, the pacing needs to be anything but slow. And the pacing here is pretty fast and smooth. Speaking on energy, I really do like the voice acting here. It is anything but dull and boring. So congratulations on the voice acting lol. However, the artwork isn't really anything that special, but that is just my opinion. Forgot to mention, but the animation is also pretty fast and fluid (which I really do love lol). Not to mention the dialogue was pretty funny on certain parts, especially the "poooorrr-nevermind" xD. Overall, the submission may have its quirks, but it's enjoyable nevertheless. Keep up the good work! :)

TylerBasham responds:

Thank you! :3

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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