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An amazing, informative video! Love everything about it! The video quality itself is enough to give you 5/5. The animation, art, and the voice actor were all spot on. Plus, the information here was very well interesting. I do love theories like this! Don't know what else to say except keep up the amazing work! :)

Curiosity180 responds:

Thank you! Let us know what types of information you would like to see turned into an animation.

I won't lie, this was pretty good for a test and your 1st animation. The animation and the sound effects were all on key for the most part. Though at certain frames with one of the street fighters, there was this white line next to him. Be sure to always check and erase any white lines when dealing with your sprites. Just a nitpick, but some music would've been nice to have. It'd help make your submission engaging. Since this is a test, It's not a good idea to be putting tests under judgement. These types of submissions would get a low score if not blamed. There is a place called the Dumping Grounds where you can post tests at. It is the button next to your message button. And with it you can show your movie off to your friends, family, fans, etc. So please use that next time. But even then, I think the submission will hold up. You got a long way ahead of you, and I hope you improve and evolve as time goes on. Good luck!

RandomMugen responds:

That's good advice, thank you! I'll use your advice for future use and improve! Also, about those white lines...for some reason they appear. I don't really know how to get rid of them in pivot Since that's the program I use. Another problem is that I'm trying to have the music play and the sound effects in windows live movie maker at the same time. If you got any suggestions that will help, please respond!

Some of the nitpicks I have with this submission is that the voice acting could've been a little bit better. It got pretty emotionless at times. Not to mention it got really quiet in certain parts. The music shouldn't be louder than the voice acting. Also I think some more facial expressions wouldn't hurt to have. But aside from that, this was really good. The artwork is pretty good in my opinion. The animation can be a little bit trippy, but that's what makes it interesting. The music is really amazing and everything. And the effects were honestly mind blowing. The part where they go into some matrix-like world was really great! This was great for what it is, and I hope you continue to make more. Good luck!

AoiShinigami responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure I keep on upgrading the quality even further as I continue the series :D

A very informative video! Also love the cute art style, good animation, and the great voice for the content. Keep up the good work! :)

Curiosity180 responds:

We are glad the art style is something people are liking. Thank you!

D'aww so sweet and innoce-wtf?! ._.

KingComics responds:

Lol yeah ikr

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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