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Pretty nice for an intro. Not much else to say except keep up the good work!

PARROTOONY-Animation responds:

Thank you

I'll give you some credit since this seems to be your 1st animation (as far as I know), but we got some problems here. The voice acting really needs to be improved on. I recommend you getting what's called Audacity. It's a free audio program that will help amplify your voices so they don't seem quiet, and it can get rid of those air buffs using Noise Removal. As for the overall art in general, that also needs to be really improved on. Granted everyone has their own opinions on what makes good art, but maybe some legit backgrounds would be nice for your animations instead of having one-colored backgrounds. And yeah, practice drawing your characters more because practice makes perfect. I know others may hate on you for this, but I hope that you get better in the future. I'm sure you have a lot more talent than you realized, it just needs to be improved on. Good luck!

Brookdamadman responds:

Thanks I'll try the app out

Pretty basic and funny. Not to mention relatable as someone who plays the game lol. But yeah, everything was on point with this. Keep up the good work! ;)

Dantu responds:

Thank you very much!

My only "complaint" is that I have no idea what happened, but you've already explained in your description. Everything about this was pretty great. The animation, art, color, etc was all good. Not to mention the 2nd short was pretty hilarious I think. Keep up the good work! :P

HorribleCo responds:

Thank you for the kind words!!! Ill be going more plot driven in the future :)

Normally I'm not a fan of stock images being used, but obviously a lot of work was put into this. There were some pretty funny moments in this, like with that Mario cameo. Even the voice acting made me chuckle at times. Though at the same time some of the voice acting could've been amplified just a bit, but this is just a minor nitpick. I think it was enjoyable. Keep up the good work! ;)

SmashTheOni responds:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The one nitpick I have is that the voice acting isn't really consistent. At times we go from very soft talking to blowing out your ears. If you don't have it, I recommend Audacity. It can help amplify the quiet lines you got. Aside from this, this was pretty enjoyable. I do love me some Eddsworld-inspired submissions, and this gave me just what I wanted. Hope to see another episode of this! :)

cacko responds:

i do have audacity, but not only did i switch headphones halfway through, going between flash and audacity can be a chore, but thanks for watching nonetheless!

Pretty impressive! I imagine it's not easy trying to do 3D animations in general, but I love how creative it looks. It feels like on of those old 90s 3D cartoons. Keep up the good work!

TheCrazedSide responds:

thanks, i will!

Honestly one of the best stick animations I've seen in a while. I really had no problems with anything in this. I wanna ask though, do you play Moonlighter? Because the plot here reminded me of that game exactly. Really fun game btw. Also, you get extra points for Undertale music. lol

ZaiDrizzleDrop responds:

Thanks a TON man! I really appreciate that. I have never played Moonlighter before but I'll check it out! Looool, Undertale has some great music!

Thought I drop by to leave a rating. :)

FlippinDollar responds:

oh thank you so much

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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