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Really did love this one! The background art was very gorgeous, the character designs were very adorable, and I love the sketchy animation. Also the anime battle at the end was pretty hilarious lol. Did not expect any dialogue to be in this. Keep up the amazing work! :)

Doggodotexe responds:

Thank you very much! :)

I can tell you're a new animator based on your Newgrounds account, so I'll give you some advice. First of all, try using different backgrounds for every scene instead of having only one. It just seems rather lazy to have only one with the characters changing spots on it. Secondly, be sure to put in sound effects whenever it's needed, like shooting a gun for example. You can do that by converting a YouTube video with gun sound effects into an MP3, and using it in your animation. And lastly, the animation needs to be improved on. The best I can tell you is to keep on animating and keep practicing. Eventually you'll be more comfortable with your animation program, and you'll be popping out great animations in the future. Good luck!

ChuedGumn responds:

Thanks dude good advice! I'm mainly inspired by old Egoraptor stuff where there werent many sound effects so thats why there werent any.

This is basically Samurai Jack animation right here. Some of the smoothest animation I've seen on Newgrounds in a while. Also the art is really amazing, and don't even get me started on the lighting. Just very gorgeous! Keep up the amazing work! :D

RemiRecklessCartoons responds:

This makes me incredibly happy Shae! A thousand thanks!
Love Samurai Jack btw :D

Cannot tell you enough on how much I enjoyed this. Easily one of the best Newgrounds submissions in a long while. Hope this does continue because I'd love to see more of it. Wish you the best of luck! :)

jessecowan responds:

Thanks! I'll keep it going, in one form or another. Hopefully animation! Lets all cross our fingers!!

Was not expecting this to be a crossover with The Last of Us lmao. That was pretty funny! But yeah, keep up the good work! :)

nicksoul responds:

my mind is strange! hahaha!

For a 12 second animation, this was pretty amazing. I didn't know what the context was, but I wished there was more of it. The animation was smooth as a man's shaved face, the art was really good too (good job dogl and ShalNG), and the color scheme set the mood. There should be a Fridge 2 because I'd love to see why a monkey was in a fridge. lol

Goji responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback!! That's the most amount of words I have ever gotten in a comment, and I as well as ShalNG and dogl appreciate each and every bit of it

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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