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Well their were things I like and dislike. The art work is good in some parts, but not in other parts. Some voice actors could've tried a little bit hard than other voice actors. And I'm honestly not a fan of the animation. While I've seen worst, I have seen better too. To be fair, the music and sound effects were great choices. And the story was pretty interesting. I know this review may seem a bit all over the place, but that is how I felt about this video. Just try harder next time. Good luck!

SonnyFern responds:

Thanks for watching, keep at it though. In an episode or so everything will improve greatly and it really starts to hit its stride. When you're watching these, you're pretty much seeing me learn and get better and better. So just keep with it, promise it'll all even out.

Really amazing man! Love every bit of it!

Johannesson responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!

This is one of those videos where I honestly don't even know what to say about it. It's just too weird to comment on. lmao

APenguinWithAHat responds:

Uhh I'll take that as a compliment then haha

It's pretty standard at most. Nothing really says "Oh my god! You have to watch this!", but it's not too bad. The color scheme is legit, but the animation could be just a little bit better, and the same thing can be said about the audio. But hopefully it'll look better after you get done with the editing and the work you're putting into it. Good luck!

XxFalopioxX responds:

thanks and yes, i still editing and re-editing and adding more animation, sounds , better timing and more fluid. its kinda of my first work in a Cintiq HD 13" Touch and wants some feedback, still dont know how long it will take me to finish thiis proyect. again thanks for the feed back.

Love it man! The artwork was amazing, the color schemes are beautiful to look at, and I love the cool effects for space! While I'm not really a fan of this type of animation, it really wasn't so bad here. And whenever it said "Chapter 1", does that mean this will get a sequel? Because I would love to see that! Keep it up!

RickMarin responds:

Thank you , I made 3 more that I need to edit and I will post soon .

It's not much to look at, but I love Undertale so this gets a 3/5 from me.

LilRookieToon responds:

thank you for an honest response :3

Well I know you say this is an older animation and all, but it's not much of an excuse. I will say I am on the line with this. It's nothing great but it's nothing terrible either.

MuricanSatire responds:

Yeah, but this is back when I literally had no clue what I was doing. Thanks for the feed back anyway though. I'll upload the newer ones soon enough, All of them are on YouTube if you care to watch,links on the channel page, You don't have to though.

Well, I can see why your videos keep getting blamed. And since you are asking for criticism, here we go:
1. This is something small, but I'd recommend Swivel so that you can control the volume on your video, and even go in full screen if you want.
2. Speaking of volume, the audio is REALLY bad here. The voice acting could be alot better, and every bit of it could've been turned down some.
3. Same thing can be said for the music.
4. I'm not expecting much, but some kind of background would be nice instead of just pure black.
5. The animation really needs work here as well.

So there you go. Some criticism that I hope will help you improve in the new year of 2016. Another thing is you shouldn't tell people on what rating to give you. Alot of people would give you a 0-1 just because of that. So be careful on what you say. And as for this video in general, well lets just say history will repeat itself. Hope you do good in the future. Good luck!

MuppetProtesterClock responds:

I wish I knew how to improve the audio, but I'm not quite sure how...

But I think I can fix the rest.

I've heard of Swivel, and maybe I CAN use that.

I only have about a year and a half of Flash experience anyway...

I fixed the audio problem by using MP3's instead of WAV's.

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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