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How did this not get featured? lmao

LetThereBeLenny responds:

lol so im not crazy. idk man, im glad atleast you think so

Good animation and camera shots as always. lol

Sorry it has been a while, I was to busy with college. :)

LetThereBeLenny responds:

thanks man! have you watched episode 4 yet? its the finale :)

Really amazing! Keep it up! :)

FilipStredansky responds:

Thanks bro

Where do I begin. For starters, I'd recommend Swivel so your animation is not on loop. Secondly, try to work on the pacing. It's like the first half of the movie just flew by. And finally, the fact that you hold the image of the "Awesome House" for so long instead of animating the inside for more than a few seconds kinda makes you look lazy, no offense. I'm just saying you need to improve a bit more, and I believe you can! so good luck Anthony!

AnthonyAnimation responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticism! Although I belive the Awesome House part was very lazy, It was inspired by a scene in regular show (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M6SrXBaopYg) and I feel it needs a bit tweaking. I'm still VERY amateur when it comes to animating, so I'll have some bumps here and there. A lot of bumps.

Well the art style and backgrounds are pretty great, but the voice acting could use some work. I have to admit the voice acting is pretty hilarious in some parts, but pretty much every character is the same voice actor. Keep in mind there is a place on Newgrounds where you can find some voice actors who can help you. Hell, even I could help you out some. Still pretty great movie. Keep it up man! :)

CosmicArt responds:

yea, its always the voice acting -.- haha thanks for the comment

A little boring, then again what did I expect? This is pretty legit. lol

MystMog responds:

Yeah, I hear you. There really isn't much to it story-wise or anything-wise for that matter. Those are just some boring things I drew to kill boredom so I added a poorly drawn bored guy watching my boring creations on his boring, poorly drawn television to tie the whole boring thing together in to a boring pile of boring mesh, while I bore a boring machine to bore a bore. (Note: the machine thing didn't happen)

This is very promising. The animation and humor is spot-on! Hope to see more in the future. :)

MOrlov responds:

Thanks! :)

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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