I'm not gonna lie, but these are some of the most likable characters I have seen on Newgrounds for quite a long time! I may check out more of your stuff pretty soon man. Love it! :)
I'm not gonna lie, but these are some of the most likable characters I have seen on Newgrounds for quite a long time! I may check out more of your stuff pretty soon man. Love it! :)
Thanks ShaeGuy! :)
Really do love your art style, and also the color scheme. It all looks colorful and nice. And the animation is really amazing too. Plus the music is really good here. Keep it up! :)
A day late, but Happy New Years. :)
Well their were things I like and dislike. The art work is good in some parts, but not in other parts. Some voice actors could've tried a little bit hard than other voice actors. And I'm honestly not a fan of the animation. While I've seen worst, I have seen better too. To be fair, the music and sound effects were great choices. And the story was pretty interesting. I know this review may seem a bit all over the place, but that is how I felt about this video. Just try harder next time. Good luck!
Thanks for watching, keep at it though. In an episode or so everything will improve greatly and it really starts to hit its stride. When you're watching these, you're pretty much seeing me learn and get better and better. So just keep with it, promise it'll all even out.
That was pretty funny. lmao
Really amazing man! Love every bit of it!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Pretty well made. Love the sound effects and everything. Keep it up!
I really do love flipnotes. I have seen so many people with it that puts ALOT of effort into it. And this is a really good example of that statement! Love it man! Keep it up! :)
Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!
Age 29, Male
United States
Joined on 6/13/14