So a lot a came up recently. First of all, my fall break will begin on Friday. And I should not be coming back to college until the 16th. That means I can go home for the week at some point, and see some familiar faces. While I'm home, I hope to see the IT remake that a lot of people praised. Can't wait to see that. Secondly, I got my college refund check of $365 in the mail today. That sure is a lot of money! I hope to give it to Jessica so she can put it on my debit card. If it goes to plan, I shouldn't be having any money problems for a long time lol. And finally, my main professor Mrs. Lewis came back from the hospital. She seems to be doing well, which is good to hear. So now I can have her check my work to see how I am doing. Got like 2 projects to get done for 2 classes, but I should be fine if I stay determined to do my work. Can't wait to see how it all goes. :)