So yeah, after long last, tomorrow will be the day I return home for winter break! I spent 4 months doing hard work, and now I can relax and work on my fanbase collab. It really should be fun lol. I got all of my stuff packed and ready to go, so now all I have to do is wait for tomorrow at 8 in the morning. Can't wait to enjoy christmas and see some familiar faces. Another thing I like to bring up is this project I auditioned for. A lot of you probably don't remember, but a couple months back I auditioned for various voice rolls for this webcomic called "Modest Medusa". And the results came back in, and I'll be voicing for the Emergency Services Operator! Glad to see after throwing everything at the wall and something sticks lol. But yeah, it's been pretty great. Something tells me I'm going to be having a good time! :)