So I think it's time to update for what will be happening this week because big stuff is going to happen. First of all, I'm almost about done with everything in college. I surprisingly don't really have that many finals to take. The only one I have to take is in Introduction to Computers which will be tomorrow. I also have this project for Digital Color Theory to get finished up on. Afterwards that will be everything for this semester! There will also be this pizza party Thursday for me and the other college students in my classes. Should be a whole lot of fun! And Friday one of the Carl D. Perkin vans should be taking me back home. I'm not sure if my Driving Lesson that Friday will happen or not, but either way it doesn't matter. Meanwhile I've been working on the script for the Fanbase collab, and it will require a few voice actors (which I will go into more for later). And hopefully I should have this done while being back home for a few weeks. So much to look forward too, and I can't wait to see it through! :)