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That was hilarious! And the animation is pretty neat too in its own style. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

zvch3 responds:

I'm glad you liked the style of this cartoon! It was definitely a different way of animating for me and it was a lot a fun to make! Each movie is a learning experience, I love it! Happy Valentine's Day brotha!

I can see you improving a little bit. Just need to work on the walk cycle. Just keep at it dude! I'm also a Steven Universe fan. :)

CaioMaster15 responds:

Thanks man, I'll improve the walk cycle.

This was pretty legit for a 1st video I guess. But you need to work on the animation alot more. And try to draw out characters like Garnet instead of just copy and pasting images from the internet. However, the stuff you did draw like the truck was pretty good, so I'll ya that. Just keep on improving. Good luck!

CaioMaster15 responds:


I would say that the pacing in this video was really slow but I know this is a project, so I'll give you that. The designs and the shading was pretty good. Keep it up!

ArchieAndrews responds:

Thanks Shaeguy

Pretty good. Hope your special someone loves it!

DaDosDude responds:

She did. It works better than a card, and has thus become an annual thing. Usually I don't upload it to newgrounds though, because I am a crappy artist/animator

This was really amazing. Hard to beleive how underrated this is. This deserves more attention than what it got. Just keep on making more. Don't let the lack of attention get to you. You really are good at this.

LetThereBeLenny responds:

Dude you're an amazing fan, i hope i can reward you someday if my series breaks big like you believe it will, id be proud to tell everyone you were the first, the only person who was there before everyone else, thank you for the encouragement! Sincerly

Not real sure what to think. It's a pretty funny idea, but some music or any kind of audio would be nice. Just try to throw in audio next time. Good luck!

AlexSarzosa responds:

I actually did want to use a song, but i didn't know how to download/ credit it.

Quite alot of work to do. Looks pretty good!

DrawingWithArthuz responds:

Thank you very much :)

Very nice man! I've also made an animation for my girlfriend too. Congratulations! :)

zvch3 responds:

Hey I saw yours not too long ago in the portal! I remember voting to pass it! I loved the concept and the character design of it. Thanks for your positive feedback dude! Keep up the work; I look forward to seeing more from you

It was pretty decent. The mechanic for it just great, and so is the comic for that matter. But I'd recommend enlarging the text a bit. I shouldn't have to zoom in just to read it. But that's just nitpick. The comic is still pretty good. Keep it up! :)

viromortis responds:

Thanks for your kind words I have fixed some text issues and am publishing it again.

Pretty much just an animator for fun! Hope you enjoy my content!

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